How can we expect God to accept our worship if it is not combined with faith.  Simply going through the motions of worship does not make it acceptable to God.

Worship Part 1

January 20, 2024
The first in a series on how to worship.  This message is more of an intro, laying out some of the foundation.  You will want to start the series here…

God or A Tree

December 23, 2023
Its one of those seasons when some proclaim to worship God but have not really familiarized themselves with God's word.  Lets make sure we are familiar with what, why and…
As believers do we worship God in Spirit and truth? Or do we allow other influences into our worship, thereby turning us into cultural Christians? Whose agenda are we following?…
Have you ever felt that God's not paying attention, or has forgotten about us, or maybe he is just letting all the ciaos run rampant.  How can we be sure…